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Draft Neighbourhood Plan Documentation

a drawing of a house

Below you can find the revised Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan which has been submitted to Eden District Council so that they can carry out the Regulation 16 Consultation.  Following the previous consultation, the Neighbourhood Plan Group considered all the comments and amendments have been made.  The PNDP was approved unanimously  by Council on 23rd September 2019 with the re-insertion of a number of green spaces and sports, leisure and recreation facilities which the public felt were important to the town.

After listening to comments made during the previous consultation, we have split the document up so you can just access the section that you are interested in. If all you want to look at are the draft policies go to Section 6 below – All policies

Complete Neighbourhood Development Plan Document

Section 1 – Introduction and Background
Section 2 – Penrith: A Historic Town
Section 3 – Key Issues for Penrith Today
Section 4 – Planning Policy Context
Section 5 – Penrith NDP Vision and Objectives
Section 6 – Neighbourhood Plan Policies
All policies

Each Objective has a link. click to view the policies contained within each objective.

Introduction and Objective 1 – Sustainable Development
Policy 1 – Environmentally Sustainable Design
Policy 2 – Energy Use and Reducing Carbon Emissions
Policy 3 –  Accessibility and Social Inclusion
Policy 4 – Conservation Areas in Penrith
Objective 2 – Housing
Policy 5 – High Quality New Homes
Policy 6 – Housing Type and Mix
Objective 3 – Greenspaces
Policy 7 – Identifying and Protecting Local Green Spaces
Objective 4 – Culture and Leisure
Policy 8 – Protecting and Enhancing Sport, Leisure and Recreation Facilities
Objective 5 – Wellbeing
Policy 9 –  Protecting and Enhancing Health and Community Facilities
Policy 10 – Walking and Cycling
Objective 6 – Town Centre Parking
Supporting Town Council Actions – Vehicle Parking
Objective 7 – Penrith Town Centre
Policy 11 – Penrith Town Centre Improvements
Policy 12 – Shopfront Design

Section 7 – Next Steps


I      Penrith: A Historic Town
II      Future Growth Areas
III    Social Housing Waiting List
IV    Social Housing Applicants By Type of Household
V    Housing Stock and Occupancy: Penrith (2011)
VI    Rental Costs
VII  Median Property Price by Ward
VIII Penrith Green Spaces
IX    Leisure and Recreation
X    Cultural Facilities
XI    Car Parking
XII    Public Transport Information
XIII  Fellrunner Services
XIV  Service and Retail Offering in Penrith Town Centre

Map A    Policies Map
Map A1  Close up of Bowscar Sites
Map A2 Close up of Anchor Farm / Voreda Park Sites
Map A3 Close up of  Penrith North Sites
Map A3a Close up of PN36 Site
Map A3b Close up of PN17 & 18 Sites
Map A4 Close up of Penrith East
Map A5 Close up of Scaws Sites
Map A6 Close up of Penrith West Sites
Map A7 Close up of Penrith South Sites
Map A8 Close up of Wetheriggs Sites
Map A9 Close up of Leisure Centre and Car Park Site
Map B  Rights of Way: Footpaths, Cycleways and Bridlepaths
Map C  Parking in Penrith
Map D  Penrith Shops and Services
Map E  Penrith – Retail North
Map F  Penrith – Retail South