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Finance Committee

a drawing of 4 people stood next to eachother

Finance Meeting Dates

01 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 26 June 202301 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 18 September 202301 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 13 November 202301 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 15 January 202401 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 18 March 202401 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 17 April 202401 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 22 April 202401 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 24 June 202401 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 16 September 202401 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 11 November 202401 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 13 January 202501 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 17 March 202501 May 2024 till 31 Apr 2025 and 21 April 2025
Day Date Time Venue
Monday 24 June 2024 6.00pm - 8.00pm Board Room, Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate
Monday 16 September 2024 5.15pm - 7.15pm Board Room, Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate
Monday 11 November 2024 5.15pm - 7.15pm Board Room, Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate
Monday 13 January 2025 5.15pm - 7.15pm Board Room, Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate
Monday 17 March 2025 5.15pm - 7.15pm Board Room, Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate
Monday 21 April 2025 5.15pm - 7.15pm Board Room, Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee has delegated authority to deal with financial matters and responsibility for the maintenance of the Town Council’s assets and services.

Committee Members are:

Cllr. Burgin

Cllr. Jackson

Cllr. D. Jayson

Cllr. Kenyon

Cllr. Lawson

Cllr. Rudhall

Cllr. C Shepherd – Chair

Finance Committee Terms of Reference

All local councils must have terms of reference for committees which outline their responsibilities and their rules of procedure. Please refer to the current Scheme of Delegation for more information.

Council Meetings

Every formal meeting of the  Council is open to the press and public.

The Council provides opportunity for members of the public to make statements or ask questions.

You are welcome to attend the meeting for all matters in part 1 which is the open to the press and public.

If the Council needs to consider private and confidential matters we will have to ask you to leave the meeting and we go into private session which we call part 2.

Public Participation appears at the beginning of the meeting:

  • Prior to the meeting please write to the Town Clerk informing the Council that you wish to speak.
  • You will be allowed to speak at the discretion of the Chair.
  • Your name will not be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
  • The Chair will invite you to stand/sit in location where you can be clearly heard.
  • You can speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per meeting.
  • Supplementary questions will be allowed for a maximum of 2 minutes.
  • The Council may respond to you at the meeting or may write to you.
  • You must not interrupt speakers or speak during the member’s debate.
  • You must not hold conversations with other members of the public during meetings.
  • Members of the public who become disruptive during the meeting will be asked by the Chair to leave.

Filming and Recording Meetings 

Anyone who objects to being filmed or recorded should notify the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Any person present at a Council meeting may not orally report or comment about a Council meeting as it takes place but otherwise may: film, photograph, or make an audio recording of a meeting; use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings at a meeting as it takes place or later; report or comment on the proceedings in writing during or after a meeting, or orally report or comment after the meeting. Anyone making a recording for non-domestic purposes is advised to seek advice on their obligations to ensure any processing of personal information complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR 2018.

Municipal Year 2024 – 2025


Use the underlined links below to open a PDF agenda for each meeting

AGENDA – 24 June 2024

AGENDA – 16 September 2024

AGENDA – 11 November 2024

AGENDA – 13 January 2025

AGENDA – 17 March 2025

AGENDA – 21 April 2025

Draft Minutes – Pending Approval

Use the underlined link below to open PDF copy of the draft minutes:

DRAFT MINUTES – 24 June 2024


Use the underlined link below to open PDF copy of the approved minutes:

MINUTES – 24 June 2024

MINUTES – 16 September 2024

MINUTES – 11 November 2024

MINUTES – 13 January 2025

MINUTES – 17 March 2025

MINUTES – 21 April 2025




AGENDA – 26 June 2023

AGENDA  – 18 September 2023

AGENDA  – 13 November 2023

AGENDA  – 15 January 2024

AGENDA  – 18 March 2024


AGENDA  – 22 April 2024

Use the underlined links below to open PDF agenda for each Meeting:

Approved Minutes

Use the underlined link below to open PDF copy of the approved minutes:

MINUTES  – 26 June 2023

MINUTES 18 September 2023

MINUTES  – 13 November 2023

MINUTES  – 15 January 2024

MINUTES  – 18 March 2024

MINUTES  – 22 April 2024

MINUTES – Staffing Sub Committee – 17 April 2024


The Council publishes minutes and agenda for the current municipal and previous year on this website, after which they are archived.

Please contact the Council Office for copies of the agenda or approved minutes for previous years.

What to do if you cannot access parts of this page

We want to ensure that everyone can access our information and we are working to improve our website. Please contact us if you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read or in an alternative format.

We will consider your request and respond to you in ten working days.